
Category Archive: News

Full Story: Five varsity athletes suspended over hazing at rookie party

By Jessica Robinson, Editor-in-Chief Five veteran players on the Laurentian Voyageurs varsity men’s basketball team have been suspended by LU athletic director Peter Hellstrom over allegations of hazing at a rookie night ceremony held Sept. 24. “As far as our university and their policy went, they didn’t really cover what[…]

Does the Student-Athlete Code of Conduct need re-writing?

By Jessica Robinson, Editor-in-Chief With Laurentian’s confirming the university’s athletic disciplinary procedure involving a Committee of Inquiry has not been tested in recent years, suspended Voyageurs are wondering whether or not the policy needs to be updated in order to better fit real life circumstances. Five veterans players from the[…]

Parking Services says expansion of lots not “in foreseeable future”

By Shanleigh Brosseau, Contributor It has not been a good start to the new semester for Laurentian commuters, what with parking prices increasing, lots being over filled and parking fines being issued. Laurentian University’s staff and students are more upset than ever with the parking issues, and have taken to[…]

Campus mod: what’s where, and how goes it?

By Emma Tomini, Contributor Laurentian’s 63 million dollar campus modernization project is well underway. The project boasts 250 000 sq. ft. of construction attributed to redesigned classrooms, teaching labs, a welcome centre, gathering areas and other multi-functional spaces. Last winter saw the completion of the Classroom Building as well as[…]

LU hosts federal cabinet retreat

By Oshani Amaratunga, Contributor As of August 21-22 2016, Laurentian University became the first post-secondary institution to host a Federal Cabinet Retreat. Over the course of the two-day event, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, accompanied by over 100 government officials, stayed overnight in LU’s West Residence; they attended cabinet meetings during[…]

Chartwells marks new chapter in LU food services history

By Wali Kahn, Contributor As the sun set on the 2015-2016 school year, so did it on Laurentian University’s primary food service provider, Aramark. Aramark’s tenure was marked with consistently poor reviews on food quality. Consequently, an online petition was set up by one of the students which demanded an[…]

Federal and provincial government invest $27M in Laurentian’s new research centre

By Jessica Robinson, EIC Another day, another eight-figure investment in Laurentian’s innovative advancements in science and technology. As the speakers at today’s major infrastructure announcement all joked, these multi-million dollar donations have practically become the norm at LU. This time, Laurentian staff and students can look forward to a Research, Innovation, and Engineering[…]

Harquail Family Invests $10 Million in LU’s Department of Earth Sciences

By Jessica Robinson, Editor-in-Chief It was announced this morning that David Harquail and his family are donating $10 million to Laurentian’s Department of Earth Sciences and Mineral Exploration Research Centre. It has thus been unanimously decided by the University’s Board of Governors that the department will be renamed the Harquail[…]

Campaign aims to change campus culture around sexual violence

By Jessica Robinson, Editor-in-Chief Women across the country have come together as part of a national campaign to change the culture around sexual violence on university and college campuses. “Between the campaign team, we have ten children. We want to make university and college campuses safer for them than they[…]

Laurentian Bookstore relocates to student street during campus modernization

By Leanne Ofori-Atta The Laurentian University bookstore, which was formerly located on the third floor of the Parker building, has relocated during campus modernization’s on-going project. The bookstore can now be located on student street, in SSR room G-11. “We expect the construction to take a couple of months, so[…]