
LU women’s hockey team host Pink the Rink

By Gabriel Rodrigues

On Saturday, Nov. 2, the Laurentian women’s hockey team faces the Nipissing Lakers at the Gerry McCrory Countryside Sports Complex, and the Voyageurs aim to not only get points in the standings but also bring awareness to raise money for cancer.

“This is the first year we are running the event,” said Scott Bond, a Sports Administration student. “Everybody is touched by cancer and a lot of people in the north enjoy hockey, so we thought, why not bring the two together.”

Pink the Rink is an event to donate funds for cancer through the Northern Cancer Foundation, plus, the charitable occasion will also raise awareness for the Laurentian women’s hockey team, according to Bond.

“We are hoping to have a great turn out at the game,” he said.

The Northern Cancer Foundation was formed in 1992 with the idea to raise funds throughout the region to support cancer research and cancer care programs of the Northeast Cancer Center of Health Sciences North.

Bond said people are encouraged to wear pink at the game to represent cancer.

He estimates the event to raise $5,000, but is hoping to exceed that limit.

“All the funds raised stay in the north to help people treat their cancer,” he said. “It couldn’t be a better charity. Everyone is touched by it and it seems like people are really drawn to help and do whatever they can because many have been affected by cancer.”

To purchase a pink T-shirt or to donate, please visit the Pink the Rink booth throughout the week in front of the Great Hall from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.