By Kayla Perry, Editor-in-Chief
Jenna Thornber, who was first elected to SGA office in the 2013-14 end-of-year elections, is “looking forward” to graduating this April.
The Vice President of Policy and Advocacy, who also serves as the President of the Human Kinetics Association and is a member of the Laurentian Cross Country and track team, has had a “busy year.”
“I knew Johnny Humphrey (through my program), and he told me he was running for President. I kind of thought, ‘oh wow, that’d be a cool opportunity’ and decided to run for VP myself,” said Thornber, who was “surprised” to be elected.
In her election platform, Thorner vowed to work on connecting the students ‘down the hill’ (i.e. those students living in LUL residences) with the rest of the student body. She also emphasized a large focus on mental health promotion and offering financial aid for students.
“It’s been going well… I had a pretty successful year, and obviously there are things that I’m kind of hoping will carry on to the next position, but I did activities in the fall connecting with Eat Local Sudbury, and hosted Financial Awareness seminars through a partnership with KPMG.”
Under her lead, the second Voyageur Cafe location also opened in the Ben Avery: a staple LU coffee stand which had previously only been available in the student centre.
As for her final project, Thorner is working towards the construction of a “Wellness Studio” which, if finalized, will be located in the gym of the renovated Alphonse Raymond building.
“That project is on-going right now, so it’s not for sure or finalized. I’m hoping (the studio will provide) a place for mental wellness, so a place for spiritual experiences, yoga, stuff like that.”
The studio is currently contingent on Laurentian receiving a grant from Bell, the host of Bell Lets Talk, and, if constructed, will be an open, quiet space for students to reflect, do health exercises, meditate, etc.
All in all, Thornber suggests that the hardest part of her year was maintaining her studies, work with the SGA and track team commitments.
“It’s a balancing act. Luckily, (the SGA) team is supportive: they understand if I have to go away for a track meet or something like that. It’s a lot of scheduling around practice time and competitions, but I managed okay I think,” joked Thornber. “I’ve been an athlete my whole life, so you kind of learn how to time manage.”
In terms of the future, Thornber is “playing the waiting game” with a couple of companies regarding job opportunities, both in Sudbury and in Southern Ontario, although she noted that she would “like to remain in Sudbury.”