By Kaitlynn Zygmont
Brothers Lawrence and Erik Van Beek wanted to create a place that brings the Sudbury community together: this wish led to the creation of Let’s Scrabbalatte Board Game Cafe.
“Let’s Scrabbalatte is Sudbury’s alcohol free night life alternative, providing customers with a socially interactive experience that rivals the comfort of their own living rooms with added services such as food, drinks and board game selection,” said Van Beek.
Scrabbalatte is unique, given its availability of many board games, and the wide-ranging menu, with items varying from organic fair trade products such as specialty lattes, loose leaf teas, hot chocolate, and coffee to soft drinks, concession foods, pop tarts, popcorn and cold sandwiches.
The brothers say there is something for every board game lover, with a selection of over 400 board games, including Cards Against Humanity, Scrabble, Monopoly, Betrayal at House on the Hill.
Scrabbalatte employee Marlena Otten, from Laurentian University, said she works at Scrabbalatte “because of the atmosphere: it is very homey and I like the vibe. It is comforting, inviting, and there’s tons of cool people”.
Sidney Shapiro is a second year LU student and president of the LU Gaming Society. In past years the society would meet up in the pub and bring their own board games, but this year Shapiro thought it ideal to meet at Scrabbalatte Board Game Cafe.
“When we were looking at where to do our first game night this year, we decided on Scrabbalatte because it is set up exactly for this purpose with a lot of board games,” said Shapiro. “It’s a very fun place with the right kind of atmosphere that we were looking for”.
Their next game night will be held Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. where there will be a tournament, prizes, free food, and a chance to meet new people. Admission is six dollars, and Wednesday’s admission is half price.
Let’s Scrabbalatte Board GameCafe is located on 66 Elm street and is open from 6 p.m. to 12.a.m between Monday and Thursday, 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays and from 6 p.m. to 12 a.m. on Sundays.