
Spotted: solar-powered lights on campus

While wandering to the Lambda office this morning, I noticed a new edition to our lovely campus.

I was pleased to see that there was a new light installed next to the Residence bus shelter.  This bus stop is frequently used by Laurentian students, particularly at night when they are heading downtown for a night out, or even just heading home after a late night study session.  It has always been quite dark around this bus stop once the sun goes down, and I know it always made me nervous to stand there alone for a bus that would inevitably be late.

In addition, it seems this new light has a solar panel.  I am so excited to see that Laurentian is taking steps to not only improve safety and security on campus, but also to do so in a ‘green’, eco-friendly way.

Is there anything else new and exciting on campus that you have noticed?  Let us know!

Candace Jazvac, Editor-in-chief